So, Welcome to my website😇. You are on the the correct place you should be. It is a paragraph on "Roll of a student in society" in 50-100 words. It is written by me so you can use it if you want. It is perfect for school, college and universities level. In this I have try to cover everything. So here we go💖
Roll of a student in society
has special rights and responsibilities and it is necessary that we must carry
out these duties honestly and sincerely. Students also have special part in the
society. They are young, energetic and smart so they can easily achieve a lot
and can do many things for the society. The foremost duty of the society is to
study hard. This first duty is not only beneficial for them but also for whole
society as it can help them to serve the country in the future as a
professional. They must not involve in ill activities. It is responsibility of
the students to keep their surrounding neat and clean and to teach others to do
the same. They must take part in social welfare programs and utilize the energy
and helping others. Students must follow all the rules and regulation of a
school and country. They must respect their teachers and elders. A good student
is an asset who helps to build a strong nation.
Hope this have helped you😊. Tell me your review in comment. I have also written many more paragraphs on different topics. You can also checkout that:-😍
3)Paragraph on Significance of Trees
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