Television: Boon or bane
scientific advancement of today’s era has surprised everyone. It has made the
earthly existence comfortable and luxurious. Man has reached the moon, explored the
universe and created numerous electronic devices and electrical gadgets for
shaping the destiny of the beings. Television is one of the most important
electronic gadgets of this age of communication. Television is a source of
information in entertainment, knowledge pertaining to politics, current affairs, education, etc. The diligent
and intelligent students watch Discovery Channel, News Channel, National
Geographic, History, etc. to keep themselves a breast of the latest
developments in their respective fields. Television is not a bane for the
modern man. In fact, it is a boon because its service are indispensable for
exposing the malpractices prevalent in the society. If the citizens of a nation
are well acquainted with the current affairs and the activities of politician
and bureaucrats then nation will certainly grow. The autocratic nature of these
people is checked by the selfless service of the newspapers and news channels. Television
can be boon for those who don’t use it pragmatically.
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