So, Welcome to my website😇. You are on the the correct place you should be. It is a paragraph on "The age of advertisements" in 100-150 words. It is written by me so you can use it if you want. It is perfect for school, college and universities level. In this I have try to cover everything. So here we go💖

The age of advertisements /advertisement

                         Today, the craze of advertisement of manufactured goods is on the increase. The art of advertisement is in fact a modern development. It has revolutionized modern trade. Modern life is highly complex and mechanical. People have no time to go into the search of things they want to buy largely advertised goods than the manufacturer in his turns want to popularize his goods before these are manufactured. Such is the grace for advertised goods. We are living in the age of advertisement. No wonder once he sees shining and multicolored boards billboards hung on post displaying goods advertised. The city walls are found lettered with eye catching advertisements of products that are manufactured today. They will just create of magnets and journals with spare pages for latest variety of goods manufactured.                                                                                                                                                                           Radio and television are humming with advertisements of a new products. In fact, many a time when get some of these advertisement repeated hundreds of times on the radio or TV scene. It is for the consumer to look into the soft soul of things advertised. They may go in for the advertised goods but they should not be taken back in by eye-catching but cheap advertisements.

Hope this have helped you😊. Tell me your review in comment. I have also written many more paragraphs on different topics. You can also checkout that:-😍

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