So, Welcome to my website😇. You are on the the correct place you should be. It is a paragraph on "Vehicular Pollution" in 100-150 words. It is written by me so you can use it if you want. It is perfect for school, college and universities level. In this I have try to cover everything. So here we go💖


The ceaseless streams of traffic on the roads, the unplanned development of the residential colonies, poor condition and maintenance of city roads and faulty town planning have resulted in frequent traffic congestion, accidents and other road related problems in the big cities. The problems of Vehicular pollution have assumed alarming proportions. The harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and other carbon gases are choking the lungs of human beings and causes other serious diseases. According to a survey nearly 40,000 people die of air pollution in Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and other major cities in India. The emission of harmful gasses is high level is the main cause of global warming and depletion of the ozone layer. As a result, a dangerous trend is being marked in the weather pattern. The summer is getting warmer and prolonged. Besides this. the minute particles of poisonous matter are suspended in the air and lead to respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, irritation, skin diseases, hypertension and other skin diseases and eye problems. According to a recent study a rise in coronary cases within 24 hours after an increase in pollution level in Delhi has been reported. Under these circumstances, it is imperative that the pollution control norms are strictly followed. Stringent action should be taken against the defaulters. Old diesel vehicles must be removed from city roads. It is a scared duty of every citizen to keep the environment clean and healthy.

Hope this have helped you😊. Tell me your review in comment. I have also written many more paragraphs on different topics. You can also checkout that:-😍

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